Wrecking Ball

Miley Cyrus

  • Genre: Pop
  • Release Date: 2013-09-09
  • Explicitness: notExplicit
  • Country: USA
  • Video Length: 3:41

Music Video


  • Let’s stop

    By Food is gooodd
    Guys to be honest I’m not a big fan of Miley’s music now, but I don’t hate her I respect her. And if what she’s doing makes her happy then stop hating on her you guys don’t know what she as probably went through in her life. Yes she may have changed a lot but that doesn’t give us the right to hate on her as long as what she doing is making her happy. And guys I think we all know the old Miley we used to know is not coming back. This new Miley was a way to show the world that she’s not that little girl anymore she’s trying show the world she can someone different. We just have to respect it.
  • Edited

    By SFH420
  • Good grief🤷‍♀️🤦‍♀️

    By #thefoxgirl
    No. Just no.
  • Please read!

    By cute glitter bomb
    Ok. First of all, Miley Cyrus ..... you are ashaming your family name !!!! Second , what happens to you me and my friend whatevs Hannah Montana and I saw this stuff and I’m like that’s not Miley Cyrus even though she has the same name. Soon I figured out that, that is Miley Cyrus and I was like what?!?!?! Third Miley, what a disgusting person you have become. Bye!!! Also haters gonna hate!! 😁😏😎
  • no just NO

    By star sparkle✨✨✨✨✨✨💎💎
    swinging naked on a wrecking ball is just WRONG WRONG Miley Cyrus was SO desperate to break away from Hanna Montana that she hit rock bottom yes she has some good songs but THIS IS JUST AWFUL AND WRONG
  • Good song but not best outfit

    By Daniel Gebon
    I love the song wrecking ball but Miley looks like she’s wearing a tank top that shows he belly button and wearing underwear. like I said I love the song just not the outfit she’s wearing
  • Omg

    By Kaylee123568
    My kid watched hannah Montana and now is hooked and wants to watch every single Miley Cyrus video but she saw this and she started swinging on the swing awardly and liicking my hammer. I would not recommend this.
  • |•——————————————————————————•|

    By yushiology
    Are you Ellen’s daughter??! You look like her 😼 oh and your chubby and have wrinkles
  • Such a meme

    By baptiste main 84
  • Like the song but....

    By EclipseSunandMoon
    Miley Cyrus doesnt need to be swinging on a wrecking ball and licking a hammer half naked!!! She’s acting like she’s a porn star or something!!!

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