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  • Video Length: 0:00

Music Video


  • Seriously?!?

    By ggg13
    Wow that's just sad. I mean who would want to listen to a song with no music in it. Wow if u bought this terrible excuse for a song ur the dumbest person on earth
  • The Flaming Lips are not perfect

    I am a huge Lips fan so when I saw that they did the entire Dark Side album I bought it without a preview. What a dissapointment. I appreciate that they are always reinventing themselves but it's my opinion that when covering a classic you better pay homage to the music by recreating it or play it better than the original. The Lips did neither. They picked the music apart, shredded it, fed it through a distortion pedal and killed it's natural beauty. I only hope that they are able to come back to a place where what they want to play is as pleasing for them as it is for thier audience.
  • ???

    By Music of pop
    I would like to hear the band sing. At least say one word. But this preview showed and told me NOTHING !!!

    By idfacto
    If all the covers by artists of this album matched the original, whats the point! Climb outside your comfort zone and appreciate the creative interpretation by a very good band. I bought the "Dark Side" album the day it came out, and Pink Floyd has been my fav band ever since. But I love the fact that the Lips and Easy All-Stars give their own spin. Dont even listen to it if you expect to hear Pink Floyd. Buy it if you have a true music appreciation for great musicians. Its a damn good thing these bands dont try to please everyone.
  • Aces interpretation of a classic album.

    By Hobbies Odd
    Aces interpretation of a classic album. More bands should cover classic albums instead of just songs - and not just cover them, but make them their own, for better or worse. Well done, Lips!
  • It's not Pink Floyd, but...

    By DanBagel
    It is the Flaming Lips take on it, and it's good. If you're expecting a straight forward cover, listen to the original. If you like the Lips than give it a listen.
  • Failure

    By Razncain22
    It should go up in flames thumbs down
  • whoa...

    By ibock
    This is just depressingly bad... Ugh.. I am a Flaming Lips fan but this is just horrible.
  • Meh

    By Tyler93934
    I've heard much better

    By Hailey Taylor
    haha who gives a crap a bout the music.............................. im the 1st to rite a review