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  • Video Length: 0:00

Music Video


  • All I Have

    By MominMN
    This is a beautiful song. I really didn't need the video, but I like this version the best! The drummer kind of looks like a skinny Mikey from OCC. LOL
  • Surprising Change of Tone & Style

    By DingerBill
    I loved Mat's first album. I was intrigued by his mix of melodies & rap-like vocals on a few of the tracks. I thought that was something he was doing that I hadn't really heard anyone pull off the way he did. I was hoping to hear some of the same on this album. I'm pleasantly surprised that his lyrics & melodies are just as well crafted on this album. I may not be able to work out to these new songs but they're no less enjoyable to listen to. One really small detail about this song I'm really frustrated & disappointed about, though: Who's the girl in this acoustic video? She has a similar sound to Donna Lewis but I never got a good shot of her face. She's not listed in the credits/info for this video either. It's unusual for an artist not to be mentioned even if they're just doing back-up vocals. Anyone know who she is?
  • Almost there...

    By Stephen's Music Selection
    Nice voice, a little more story, and less repeat. This artist could have a number one, change it up in the next song. Great voice! Nice video ~ simple and down to earth. Hope to hear a high note, and tell a story. It sells!