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  • Video Length: 0:00

Music Video


  • stupid fake fans

    By bimbim11
    Yea i hate it. People claim to be fans, but the only song they've heard of is TTFAF.
  • Oh come on

    By Fierce beard
    I swear that every dragonforce video starts with a close up of somebody's eye. Just buy the song, don't waste your time on the video
  • Operation Ground and Pound - DragonForce

    By youtube.com/litigants
    An okay video in my opinion. Not that iTunes garbage they wrote about for "Inhuman Rampage". Lets start off with how the song starts. That stuff in the beginning with the light and the microphone.. GOTTA GO! It needs to leave the beginning of the video because that beginning is terrible. They should make it like Through the Fire and Flames, that was a good beginning because it has a meaning to it. The orange light is okay, and how the start out the video with the keyboard and the rhythym guitar in the beginning it starts out as a good song. Unlike this video. This is their 2nd best song in my opinion, and DragonForce is good. But they've got to make new videos. But, how they start out the solo with the hands, don't be embarrased to show they keyboard because we all know that its in that solo. Roflz. So, anyway, good song, an okay video. Keep rocking DragonForce!! Click Yes If You Agree!!
  • auuudfrght

    By rdstrhgd
    I hate dragonforce. Yall should all try Avengend Sevenfold, Atreyu, or Slipknot
  • Nice

    By PleasureCruz
    everyone only knows about TTFAF and it makes me mad. personally i think this song has better guitar solos
  • thier best song ever

    By NY Jets Rule
    It is an awsome song but why it didn't get a better rating.
  • best video form these people

    By avengedsevenfold fan
    its the first one i liked i hated the video of through the fire and flames so its worth the buy