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  • Video Length: 0:00

Music Video


  • Recommendation

    By romantic x cellist
    This video is a good recommendation for Eisley. It is relative to the song and has a classic flair that will keep you watching over and over.
  • eisley

    By meggiepiepie
    i love this band, and this video really puts it all togther
  • I Love Eisley. Been a fan since their "Moss Eisley" days

    By danni75204
    Great Video! Sooo creative. All their videos are. I hope Beautiful Things comes to itunes soon. That one is my favorite video.
  • Very good video

    By myblueheaven007
    Definitely worth the two bucks. The song is very melodic and well done, and I like the fact that it's all done in black and white. Just because of the name of the song, the fact that it's done in black and white, and the concept of the video, I'm guessing that this is based off of the movie The Invasion of the Body Snatchers, which was made back in 1956 and now has another remake actually called THe Invasion. Still very creative music video. I bet it's a thousand times better than the new movie, so why not pay $2 for this? Not only do you get the same basic storyline, but one of the most amazing songs Eisley's ever put out (that's not to say theor other songs aren't amazing as well), and it won't put you to sleep. Awesome video Eisley, keep it up.
  • Invasion

    By yourowndisaster.
    This video is brilliant!!!! Eisley is so creative!!! This video is really really neat. You should definately buy this video! I LOVE U EISLEY!!!!