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Title Artist Time


  • Too processed

    By Hey Noni Mousse
    I would like to hear a live version of this album. Everything's a little too over-mixed and processed. I keep wishing for a little more... something. More guitar? More drums? I don't know exactly what but it sounds too synthetic.
  • New

    By Johnny flow jay
    Basically this is metric at their best. They are transitioning into an electro-indie symbiosis from another dimension ...
  • Amazing album!!

    By Dan_Rodriguez
    Diverse and beautiful tracks! This album is an amazing work of art! Have it on repeat on an extended road-trip. Can't get enough!
  • Synth to death

    By Mac and PC
    Could be my last Metric listen. Synthesized electronic music with no soul or instrumental artistry. What happened to the electric guitar and a real drum beat? Sad, so sad.
  • Different sound

    By AstralAustin
    Definitely their weakest album, but still really good. Not as indie/stoner sounding. Instead it's more electronic/techno. Not their usual sound, but it's definitely nice. Some of the songs are completely over tuned but there are some great ones as well like Lie Lie Lie, Cascades, The Shade, Too Bad, So Sad & Other Side.
  • Solid for what it is, I suppose.

    By smackier
    Metric and Metric's affiliated bands are some of my all time favorite artists. Broken Social Scene and Metric's album "Grow Up and Blow Away" are perhaps my two favorites from this little Toronto group. I appreciated the uniqueness of the music and the seeming effortlessness of the writing and the deep themes and ideas Emily would explore with her music. The last example of this, in my opinion, is Lost Kitten in synthetica. I am a little sad over the direction the band has been going. They seem to not be singing about personal or societal struggles anymore, which is fine, but they aren't doing whatever they switched to well. Everything they state has been said before, better. Modest Mouse would be a good example of a band who has a lot of fair whether songs that are actually good. I suppose it appears to me that Metric has lost that spark that made their music so great in their first three albums and then in part of Synthetica. It's really a shame. Hopefully they return to form.
  • Gets better the more I listen to it.

    By WriteABike
    I picked up the Metric song Gimme Sympathy when it was a single of the week years ago, and I believe I listened to the previews of the rest of the album Fantasies, but it didn’t impress me too much. A few months ago, I gave Metric another try, and there’s one thing that I’m noticing about all their songs on all their albums: they don’t really pull me in the first time I listen to them, but the more I listen, the more I like them. It’s not a matter of getting used to Metric’s sound or songwriting, because Pagans in Vegas didn’t seem that great the first time I listened. On my third time through, three days later, I’m starting to love it, just as I’ve grown to love Synthetica, Fantasies, and Live it Out. (I’m working my way back in time.) That’s my experience. I also find that songs that are immediately catchy quickly grow boring to me. YMMV.
  • Ear Candy

    By Blackbeer
    Just listened to the first five samples on iTunes and I'm definitely buying it. I have all their albums and I must say every album got better. This one is quite different but seems perfect, like a work of art.
  • An Instant Classic

    By Oxkel
    "I'll be standing tall, when you call, I'll be by your side..." This is a promise kept, and the opening lyrics to the track 'Celebrate', off this new welcome addition to the Metric collection. As a fan from over a decade ago now, it's so nice to be consistently blown away by these amazing artists. They have such a distinct, definitive style that transverses all their albums, and yet each new record feels fresh and contemporary. Like a fine wine, Metric only gets better with time! Love you guys!
  • Great Canadian Band!!!

    By Joey Tulo
    Great bunch of the new songs by the band Metric!!!!