
  • Genre:
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Title Artist Time


  • Techno hard

    By Px32015
    This album is perfect The BEST AWOLNATION YET

    By Cannibal's #1 fan
    I heard I am on the radio and obviously looked up The band and bought this and megalithic symphony. This album is awesome no matter whatever you say if you don't like this then buy new headphones because yours obviously aren't working. Fall out boy and Awolnation are going on tour together soon and they are my 2 favorite bands. So do yourself a favor and buy this album.
  • Glorious genre experimentation.

    By Leafy the Reptilian
    I have not listened to every song in this album, but if Hollow Moon and kookseverywhere!!! are any indicators, this is one of the best alt albums in recent history.
  • Couldn't ask for more

    By Kaleighmc
    Awolnation is able to capture a whole new vibe from this album and I love it. I really appreciate that they made this clean version available.
  • Amazing!

    By Garrett Garrett Garrett Garret
    This album is pretty amazing. I think I prefer Megalithic Symphony over this but I really like this one too.
  • So disappointing...

    By k8lyngintherrr
    I liked ONE song from this album, ONE. AWOL used to be my very favorite band, I loved every song on their old album, and then hearing this just made me lose all hope. They need to aim to have more songs like "Kill Your Heroes" and "People". So glad that I discovered Imagine Dragons shortly after these guys.
  • Really good

    By Machandy
    This is my favorite album of Awolnation yet! Great job
  • The Bad Wolf Don't Bite No More

    By OggieAz
  • Great lyrics

    By Mike8068
    they did a fantastic job on creating this album. theyre lyrics are great and organized. best album ever
  • Give it a fair chance

    By The Blondieblonde
    My immediate impression after sampling all these songs was,"What happened?" It is so much more toned down and mellow than Megalithic Symphony. I'll admit I was pretty disappointed. But the more I listen, the more I fall in love with it. I'm not sure yet, but I might go so far as to say that I like it more than the first album. But then again, that one is nearly impossible to beat, so I don't know yet. But give it a fair chance. Listen to everything a few times over before turning your nose up at it. Everyone is saying that it doesn't keep them guessing like that first album does, but it already has! Just by being completely different than it. So give it a shot, and you might find that you'll like it. :)