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Title Artist Time


  • Masterpiece

    By Tupacalyspe
    This woman is incredible need I say more. Been a fan since the first album yet this is indeed her magnum opus.
  • Sweet

    By Long Memory
    All of her sweet, nuanced voice and musical intelligence are there and it's a pleasure to listen to. The only thing I miss is the subversive edge of her versions of songs like Summertime, Just One of Those Things, and One Fine Day. Nothing here really aches like Hopelessly Blue. This is still certainly a lovely set of songs though and a happy addition to her body of work.
  • Amazing

    By Dave4708
    It's been a long time since I have enjoyed every track of a album.Kat Edmonson is a rare find in music today.
  • The Big Picture

    By RStrachn
    Ms. Edmonson just gets better and better. Her pacing and writing are a joy to experience. Quickly becoming one of my favorites.
  • Channeling Dinah and Little Esther

    By AnonymsFan
    Wonderful and refreshing in a sea of tired "stylists" and derivatives. Looking forward to following this voice for years to come. It's clear she's going to grow and change in ways as unique and fascinating her voice is today.. at least that is this listener's hope. Great stuff.
  • mastered for itunes

    By Ranger`s Revelation
    with garage band ! Wow what a horrible album.
  • Wow!

    By Dmcd59
    Kat has given me hope for the future of music! I was first captured by her version of Summertime! I must listen to her version of "I guess I was just not meant for these times" several times a day! This new album is phenomenal...
  • It’s good but it’s not jazz

    By buizel123
    It’s not jazz, it’s like a mix between soul blues,and jazz. FIX IT iTunes. Otherwise this is a fine album.
  • Stunning.

    By LeighhBeee
    I can listen to her all day.
  • The Big Win!

    By Nick_Pilipenko
    I've been surfing in iTunes and saw her album in Pre-Orders. What a voice! I've been searching something like this, warm & soft.