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Title Artist Time


  • My first few listens were not good, but...

    By Nsjohn130
    Something changed. I saw them at Red Rocks on tour for this album. Then their first Palomino Festival. It was amazing, and something clicked. I now love this album as much as I love S&S, though not quite as much as Palomino. Yes, the sound is a bit different- there is a bit of some sort of vocal filter on some of the songs, or just reverb, but do not get this wrong, this is TbT through and through. Wild Animals, Hollow, Repetition, Ghosts, Lucy, and my personal favorite, as I am pretty sure it is about teenage life in Duluth, MN- is Winners. "Pretty little city built on a hillside, Music in the bars and fire in the sky, We went to the beach and it was covered in ice, And I used to call it home” - brought tears to my eyes. Thanks guys,
  • Ok I guess

    By Sheri1462
    Not my favorite but ok. They sound like they are in a tunnel at times or even muffled. Would like better studio sound.
  • Mountain Hymnal

    By Gdolby
    I've never written a review on iTunes but with some of these I've read on this album I had to chime in. I will make this easy. If you are a Trampled by Turtles this is not what you are used to. I was skeptical at first but like a few reviews I read it's different but it grows on you. Agreed! Stellar song writing with maybe a pinch of Fleet Foxes and pop. So be it...solid effort. Enjoy it and go see them live because studio recordings don't do anyone any favors. It's a label thing...OUT!
  • Give it time

    By Dagoxnasty
    I bought this record without previewing it knowing I love the previous records. I listened to it 2 times all the way through and could not get into it. I took a few days and approached it again, something clicked, now I love it. I also saw them on the tour for this record, which was incredible. I would say it helped me love this record even more. For anyone that does not get it right away, its ok! give it time!
  • Review

    By LFKJh;las
    Just as long as they don’t play this stuff at their shows I’m fine with it.
  • This is not TBT

    By Mainely70
    Total fan of TBT but this album is a far cry from what I know them to be. Too studio and not enough grass roots sound.
  • eh

    By Goatjump81
    If you like past album of TBT, then you won't like this. That twang that made me like them is gone. They're great musicians this isn't the type of music i like. Hopefully when I see them in concert next month they'll play their older songs more.
  • Love it

    By Thinkitthrough
    They definitely went in a different direction with this album. But it is certainly not "mainstream" as other reviewers have said. If you like Band of Horses as I do, you'll love this album. Vocals on some of the songs remind me of BOH. That said, they've managed to broaden their scope without abandoning their bluegrass roots. Best record I've purchased this year.
  • Crap - they're good

    By DuckMallard
    To tell you the truth not as good as Stars and Satellites but I could't really expect them to top it because it was my favorite album of 2012 by anybody.
  • Diggin' it

    By I am the Lionn
    Their new sound is refreshing. In my opinion, it's better than making the same album over and over. The strings are captivating and gorgeous. The music and vocals as a whole are beautiful. I love the ghostly reverb in the vocals at times too. I have trouble identifying with the lyrics though. They don't seem to fit with everything else--seem to slip right past me as I'm listening.