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  • Review excerpt from Music and Media Focus

    By MDiamond
    While a lot of new age music is all feel-good sunshine and rainbows, on this album, Tim makes a marked departure from his previous music that included song titles like “With Wonder,” “A Moment of Joy,” and “Finding Hope.” So what is behind the more ominous title and theme of Tim Neumark’s latest recording? In his words: “I started this album with the idea that I wanted to write a darker, more minor-key album. I chose the idea of a personal emotional storm for someone -- death, divorce, or other major disappointment -- because it's something that's relatable to all.” The album opens with the appropriately titled “Anticipation,” which Tim describes as setting the mood for the album. The music is actually quite lovely despite its premonition of an approaching storm. That feeling carries over into the next track, entitled “Ice.” I liked the remote spaciousness that this piece evoked, which reminded me at times of some of Keith Jarrett’s recordings on the ECM Records label. An interesting change up happens with track 4, “Setting Sail,” which projects a more optimistic air and portrays a sense of forward motion. I appreciate the feeling of resolution that the album provides as it arcs towards its conclusion with the final two songs, “Forgiveness” and “Peace,” both beautiful compositions. By the time the recording ends, the listener feels like they have been through a journey. A wide spectrum of sentiment is present in the course of these twelve tracks, which provides a sometimes intense, yet immersive experience for the listener. I also appreciate that Tim was willing to “step outside his comfort zone” to create this music which further reveals the breadth and depth of the talent displayed on his previous recordings. The listener may as well be required to step out of their own comfort zone to explore the emotional terrain of this album, but for those who are open, the experience is rewarding, and potentially cathartic. Tim Neumark has been on an upward evolutionary spiral with his music and this new release only serves to further his unfolding.