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Title Artist Time


  • Wow!

    By CentralScrutinizer2
    This single takes us bak to the 80s and 90s feel of the self titled album, Hack, and Peace & Love, Inc. A very catchy tune indeed. It's been a long time since they had a song that was reminiscent of their older stuff, glad to hear a return to the roots. I enjoyed their recent albums, but they didn't even come close to this new track. Am hopeful for a triumphant return with their upcoming album "_Hello World" this summer
  • Fantastic (of course)

    By jldmeyer
    All the boys from Minnesota are back together and they continue to sound great. Looking forward to that complete album later this year.
  • Great Song

    By Mwalker108
    Definitely everything you love about INFOSOC. I’m 45 this year and my kids, 14, 12, 10, 7, 5, and 2 are all dancing around the house doing their chores. Keep it coming!
  • Fun remake!

    By GonzoBrianG
    If you can find it, check out the original version of this on the “Liquid Sky Film Soundtrack” album! (Circa 1985). Also check out “Margaret’s Childhood Theme” from that album!
  • I love it!

    By EAE
    Information Society is sounding better than ever! Can't wait for the full-length album _HELLO WORLD to come out this summer!
  • Excellent!

    By Radioman1982
    WOW!!! Very cool to hear Information Society back good EP too.
  • Awesome return to form!

    By Blueoktober71
    I have always thought that INSOC was one of the most underrated bands ever... I like pretty much everything they have released, and although Synthesizer didn't have much Kurt, I liked it. This new song is fine return to the forumla that made them famous, while still sounding modern and fresh. This is their best song in a long time. Great job!!