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Title Artist Time


  • ❤️

    By Trust and Us
  • more misses than hits

    By laynelaynegoaway
    I'd like to start off by saying that I not only love all of the artists on the album, but I also love Bob Dylan. That being said, most of the covers featured on the album were misses and did not suit the artists at all. George Harrison doesn't even sound like himself on his track.
  • The Tribute to my generation's peaceful forces

    By Ima Flyboy
    What this gathering of some of our finest generation's musical talent brought to the stage was for the ages to lament on what they missed. Made me feel like a hippie again. Peace ✌️
  • Excellent Ride

    By Bustaboy
    Bob’s voice is a little, well, in need of some repair, as always…but he’s only on a couple of songs at the end…the rest is pure gold…get it…spent all afternoon on it as I did my taxes…actually made the experience tolerable...
  • OMG

    By tfrnk
    He's terrible, nothing's changed!
  • Terrific

    By SUFI
    Saw this show: Harrison was amazing, Chrissie too, not one bad performance. The remastering isn't needed.
  • OMG! It's great!

    By BobaFettie
    I've been following BD ever since his first album, I'm so glad he finally is getting a tribute. I saw him in where ever and I'm cooler than all of his other fans because I discovered him. His musical talents are only recognized by me and I'm so happy I get to tell everyone I'm musically hipper than you.!!!!