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Title Artist Time


  • Who are these guys……..

    By oldandgray62
    and why aren’t they one of my favorite blues groups ever……..if you could wear out an AAC audio file mine would be frayed and scratched……wow……if they ever come within a 1000 miles of my present living area I will crawl on my belly like a snake to see them…..smiling all the way.
  • See Them Live

    By KPSox
    I just got home from seeing Nick Moss Band. Album great - but band is dynamite live. Moss fantastic on guitar. Keyboard player is also terrific. Ledbetter can really sing.
  • Simply Incredibly

    By Jenndacey
    Having seen NMB perform twice at our venue, I have been blown away by their amazing blues style and the sultry vocals of Michael Ledbetter!! I heard Fare Thee Well one time and it hooked me and truly has become one of my new favorite songs!!! These guys are not only amazingly talented, but also, some really great people to know!! Love you guys!!!
  • Love That Sound!!!

    By AL-K0
    As a newfound lover of the Blues, I’m still getting used to the different “types” of blues music. Prior to purchasing “Time Ain’t Free” I hadn’t heard of Nick Moss Band, let alone knew what Chicago style Blues was. I happened to click on the album because of the awesome album art work; but after a short preview of the album I was sold. I love that sound! Thanks for introducing me to Chicago Blues, Nick Moss Band!
  • Nick just gets better and better!

    By rick82
    I can't seem to take this CD out of my rotation. Fun nuances around every turn. Excellent talent all over this album. Nick makes a very strong producer, along with his masterful guitar chops. Buy this album!
  • Love It!

    By tlala4u
    I've seen the NMB live a few times and it's always been a great show. Wasn't sure what to expect with a studio version of their music, but after one run through the cd I wasn't disappointed. My fav tracks are #8 and #11... Check out their tour dates, see when they are near you and go to the show!! #8 is amazing live.
  • A Master Guitarist At His Best

    By Josh Hathaway
    Nick Moss sets a new standard of excellence on each record and this is no exception.
  • Hear This Music

    By Ott0 B
    Buy this Album. See this Band. You will not be sorry. True talent to be found here.