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Title Artist Time


  • My Fav Trapt Album

    By GavinSyme1
    The entire album is good
  • I love this album!!

    By Myke mo
    I had this album when it first came out on CD and I wore that thing out! It's very rare to like every song on an album but this album has it all! Nowadays you can't really find good quality rock music! Trapt is seriously one of the most underrated rock bands! I hear they are amazing live and someday hope to see it! All their albums are genius, and they also are able to pull off changing their style and it sounding freaking awesome! Keep it up guys can't wait to hear what you have coming out next! Hopefully a trip out to H-town, TX!! 😁
  • Best Album Ever

    By TheLotionOfJustice
    See title. Simple as that.
  • 2 DATE

    By Stealer13
    STLL, THEIR BEST ALBUM!!!! Hard 2 believe that this album is almost TEN years old already. Can never get enough of this album. Hits from start to finish. Nothing BEATS THIS album!!!
  • All

    By Moonshinebandit84
    One of the few bands I can listen to an album over an over an never get tired of
  • Amazing CD!! Definitely worth buying.

    By pod4477
    Durona read below. Absolutely amazing CD. They carried over the sound from their self-titled and added a bit of maturity to it. Their self-titled will always be my favorite from them though. I like every album they put out. "Victim," "Disconnected," "Waiting," and "Stand Up" are my favs. Check out "Alibi" from this cd and "Head Up High" from No Apologies, which are two unreleased songs. Durona, it's "Why do I rush to slow down everything." It makes sense; he means why does he always try and slow everything in his life down. You over think music too much. Just enjoy it for what it is.
  • Good, but they've done better.

    By tj9lives
    I like Trapt a lot. They're underrated and I like most of the stuff they put out. However, I think they've made better than this. No doubt this is a really good album, but I just think they haev put out music that was somewhat better than this. Their self-titled album for example. Arguably the best album they ever released. And probabaly one of the the best rock albums of that year.
  • one of the greatest albums of all time

    By Jkpromiss
    this album has it all..let trapt take you away
  • Blew my mind

    By Afterthaughts
    This is probably my favorite album by Trapt. No, it may be my favorite album ever. Great band, great guitar, great lyrics, STELLAR vocals, and variety that gives Lostprophets (my other favorite band!) a run for their money. One word: WOW. (second word: BUY!!)
  • alibi

    By Kelly Murphy
    where the hell is alibi why is it not on this album?!? its my fav song on this album great band though and i agree with everyone saying this is a good band