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Title Artist Time


  • Psychedelic Fun!

    By DieselBodine
    This is a really awesome head trip... an adventure for the ears worth experiencing.
  • Bizarre

    By Reckia6
    This is one weird album! Strange and funny song titles, weird songs that don't make a heck of a lot of sense. It certainly has it's charms but I can't really recommend it, as much as I would like to. I’m giving it three stars partly for the cover, which I find very amusing.
  • What Would Have Happened If...

    By Rick Drais
    this is what might've happened if Alice Cooper had decided to record neo-psychedelia instead of the nasty semi-metal they ended up being famous for. It's kind of fun, but hardly an example of typical Cooper. Especially interesting is "Titanic Overture" -a solo pipe organ cover version of Little Anthony & the Imperials' "Goin' Out of My head" and will mess with your mind.
  • Reflected before Elected

    By Gagnon
    It should be respected for it's plodding and searching qualities, as well as its nod to Psychedelia. It has artistic backbone and it's one way for a band to undergo growing pains, molt it's shell so to speak, to become something much more beautiful. Keep an ear out for the chorus of "Reflected." Sound familiar?

    By Dave is King 69
    This is my favorite Coop record oddly enough. Me and a buddy discovered this album in a thrift store back in high school and it quickly became a mainstay. To me, it is original, and the music and lyrics took an incredible amount of creativity. their is a lot of living in this record and I personally love the harmonica solo on SWING LOW SWEET CHEERIO and FIELDS OF REGRET is so powerful.. CHANGING ARRANGING is brilliant as well.. Their arent many albums that sound like this, and I applaud i-tunes for having it. Long Live The Alice Cooper Band!!
  • Wowie wow, wow

    By oliviawill097
    Wow! I never expected the Alice Cooper band to sound like this. It was really surprising, but I loved it and thought it was a great album
  • Not the Alice you know, but not bad either

    By thornebush5
    If you're coming from Welcome to My Nightmare and expecting to find that familiar Alice Cooper style in this album, you're going to be a bit disappointed. Look at it by itself though, as early Alice Cooper has some excellent stuff regardless of how different it really is from the later material.
  • A Perfect, Perfect Album

    By SproutGraphics
    This is NOT the Alice Cooper you hear on the radio but it is great, pure, perfect garage psychadelia. I can't even come up with words to express how awesome this album is. But be forwarned it is not metal and not even rock. It reminds me of the Beatles, Cream, Frank Zappa, Moody Blues... and all those other hippies - only better.

    By Cool Mo V
    If you can see past your nose and are the least bit creative, you'll get a great idea as to what this group actually had to work with before they hit it big. The recordings are pretty much in the Frank Zappa early format which you cannot hold against the band. You can also pick out all the corny stuff that Zappa encouraged the group to add since he was marketing everythng as a collection of 'Freaks'. However, at the same time you can see all the creativity that was flowing thru the veins of these guys! Since I am in my mid 50's , I had the opportunity to see Alice Cooper group numerous times at the University of Buffalo in the early 70's before they had a hit with '18' and at the time I saw one show that was just me and my two buddies there. Talk about a private show!!! It was amazing... These guys were working on their show and were anything but corny. I liked the Love it to Death up to Billion Dollar Babies period but as Alice began to exert himself as the band I lost big interest. ALICE COOPER was the group not the front man. For anyone that wants to see just how creative and truly powerful these guys as a group were, you need the first two CD's. For all you who really don't understand how you get to the hits, check this out you may really learn something!!! I still play these CD's 30+ years later along with my Yes, Genesis, Ozzy, Thomas Dolby, Nirvana et al. Buy it, buy it buy it!!!
  • A Must For The Collector!!!

    By Alice #1 Fan
    I wanted this album for years as a young teenager. Once I got it I was truly wonding where all the great tunes had came from. It was not the AC I was use too but every band has to start somewhere. It is a must for someone who wants to say "I have them all". I have it and I don't listen to it very much, but I have them all!!! I pray the good Lord likes his music as much as I do and allows AC to keep recording for many years to come!!!!