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Title Artist Time


  • As good today as it was 37 years ago

    By holyfrjole
    The first time I heard this album I was 10 years old and playing hide and seek at a friend’s house. He opened the door I was hiding behind and broke my nose. Yes, I was terrible at H&S. Despite the blood and pain, the one bright spot to that otherwise awful day was hearing this amazing album (on vinyl) and discovering what would be a lifelong love (okay obsession) with The Go Go’s. This album is perfection, and while the original tracks hold up after 37 years, the live tracks harken back to a time when live music was just that - live and unadulterated, raw and loud, gritty and grinding. The quality of those live tracks is awful, but that’s what makes them so awesome - it’s not polished and overproduced, it’s just as it was when it was recorded, and you can imagine yourself in the audience singing and dancing along. The Go Go’s deserve their place in the history of rock and roll, and this album was what put them there.
  • Live tracks stink

    By BB the DJ
    The sound and recording engineers should be fired. The live tracks have feedback and sound like someone ran a tape recorder during the concert. I bought this album for the live portion, especially since it was performed in Boston👎
  • One of greatest albums of all time

    By The Giant Skunk
    Perfectly captures the spirit of the times in which it was made. Upbeat, danceable, new wave which made the 80s great. Wore out the grooves when I bought the original LP. Not a bad track