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Title Artist Time


  • Incredible.

    By RootNegativeSixteen
    Considering how important to my life Taking Up Your Precious Time was, I didn't expect Pretty Lights to be able to top it or even come up to the same quality. But with ACMOTS he blew me away, and I now I can't decide which one I like more. It's that good. Seriously, he nailed every single track, even the bonus tracks. Of course my favorites were Color Of My Soul, Around The Block and Yellow Bird, but the others were great too. I also recommend Press Pause, So Bright, Vibe Vendetta, Always All Ways, Where I'm Trying To Go... heck, I can't do it justice. Just get all sixteen. And the unedited studio sessions are great too. Not all the sessions he included became full songs, but the ones that didn't were also fantastic to listen to. I also recommend checking out the ACMOTS Remixes album. It takes all these songs we love and makes them all more club-friendly (probably why he plays them live a lot). I'm also waiting impatiently on his collection of B-sides from this album, to be called "The Hidden Shades" and released on April 19. He's only unveiled one song at the time of my writing, "Lost and Found", but that song sounded too good to be a B-side. Once it comes out, I'll be scrambling over to prettylightsmusic.com to get it, and you should too.
  • Motivating music

    By Erisesire
    Skillful production!
  • Fantastic Job!!!!

    By Harrisonlp
    Simply amazing. New genre of music is being made here
  • Unlike anything you've experienced before

    By InspireAF.com
    Indescribable at least not in any way that truly gives it justice Just have to hear it
  • Colorado Map of the Sun

    By Soren Mtnweekly.com
    Pretty Lights A Color Map of the Sun By Soren McCarty Derek Vincent Smith changed up the way electronic music is made on the new Pretty Lights Album “ A Color Map of the Sun”, he collected musicians and vocalists to play for him in the studio. He then recorded them, and had the music pressed onto vinyl, which he them sampled and ran through hand built synthesizers. This is an enormous undertaking, and allowed Smith to truly come up with an organic song full of rich tones and melodies. He also enlisted Talib Kweli as well as Eligh The Grouch to rap on some of the tracks. Derek Vincent Smith said “Before, I’d combine 25 samples into one song; this time, I was going to create my own original sources, retaining the timbre and quality that spans the great musical periods of the last century – from modern classical and jazz, to ‘60s soul and beyond. I wanted to have as big a collection of vinyl to sample as I always did – but I was going to make all the music in it, exactly as it would’ve been in all those different eras.” It’s refreshing to see a young producer take the extra time and effort to really come up with a quality product. Most of the music made today is done on a computer, which s fine, but it loses a little soul along the way. Pretty Lights new album is overflowing with soul. You can hear the production quality and extra craftsmanship put into this album. Pretty Lights will be Headlining Red Rocks on August 16 and 17, 2013 Talib Kweli will open on the 16th

    By HB1111111111
    I'm a 41 year OLD headbanger from way back that has a son that turned him onto electronic. This album is so very very cool in every aspect. The collaboration Derek put together, the recording, the instruments...really...second to none...there's nothing out there that compares. Can't wait for Red Rock...going to be the concert of the year!!!
  • Minority

    By Just Another Spaz
    I guess I'm really in the minority here, but it's an okay album. It's not the best I've heard from Pretty Lights. I think he was better at using other people's recordings. Almost every song sounded the same and very few stood out for me. The first track "Color of My Soul" is my absolute favorite on this album, but then the rest are like... meh. I dunno... I like his older stuff better. I also don't like how every song just has a dark, drone sound to it. With all of that being said, I do appreciate what Derek was trying to do here. Creating all of his own samples, but it just seems that he had one style in mind and that's the only thing he focused on recording. Every one of his songs used to sound different and unique. I'm going to miss Pretty Lights if this is the direction he's going to keep going in.
  • Absolute Art

    By GaslampODB
    I have never taken the time to write a review but felt compelled to after listening to this album. The depth and creativity of each and every track is something that is sorely lacking in most music today...mesmerizing doesn't even begin to describe how incredible this album is. For those that are fans of early RJD2, DJ Shadow and DJ Vadim this won't disappoint, it's very reminiscent of all three, only better. Music has truly evolved...
  • Yep

    By maria campos
    he did it again. put so much time and thought into this album to create a masterpiece. literally every song is incredible. yellow bird, prophet, and so bright are the standouts. can't wait to see it live
  • Absolutely and undeniably a masterpiece

    By Ciera Catalano
    Bone-chillingly beautiful and haunting while upbeat and fresh, I get goosebumps to every song.