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Title Artist Time


  • The Ghetto

    By L Ferraro
    One of the best songs ever recorded - Delaney gives it his all. Can't imagine anyone else doing it as well. In my Top Ten All-time Favorite Tunes list. The rest of the album is great too, but The Ghetto stands out.
  • Great album .. Give the backing band their due

    By Sippy1969
    There is no denying the fact that D&B were influential to Clapton and others. But the musicians in the band were the core. Nothing against Delaney or Bonnie. But they had a tremendous band behind them. Can't lose sight of that. Read the history.
  • "You Should Never Count Your Chickens; Darlin!"

    By Grimmbo
    .."Before Your Eggs Get Hatched!".."Accept No Substiute"; Yes; Indeed! For the Soothing Sounds of Delaney & Bonnie go way back to the True Roots of our own Southern Soul Music! {I'm talking the same Tupelo/Memphis/Atlanta taproots of: Ray Charles; Aretha Franklin; B.B.King & Elvis Presley!} (While it is common knowledge that Joe Cocker & Leon Russell took D&B's entire band for "Mad Dogs & Englishmen" and that many of the Bramlett's Bandmates went on to become Super-Session players with George Harrison & Eric Clapton; remember they were all great musicians to begin with under Delaney & Bonnie's wing!) "Substitute" was an LP I had in College; We loved it all; From the first funky notes of: "Get Ourselves Together" to the sweet ending of: "The Gift Of Love!" Yes; "Willpower's Weak and Temptation's Strong!"-So True!-"Dig These Rhythm & Blues!"...by Grimmbo.
  • Good D&B addition - but where's Motel Shot?

    By Decormaven
    Glad to see this, if only to hear "Do Right Woman - Do Right Man." C'mon Apple; get the rights to Motel Shot. That is a most worthy addition!
  • oh to "endless.."

    By Mightemo
    If you read the good Doctor's review, he said D&B were the most influential AMERICAN band of the era. I highly agree & this album is a wonderful display of that fact. I am completely grateful for the likes of D&B for influencing numerous other artists that followed. An excellent album for the fan of the 60s.
  • good but not "the most influential of their era"

    By Smoke Rings
    Come on!! Lets get real. This music is good stuff but they are not the most influential band of their era as stated by the first reviewer. Give me a break!! Does he really believe this group is or was more influential then The Gratefull Dead, The Stones, The Doors, Jimi Hendrix, CSN&Y, The Beatles, The Who, The Kinks, Velvet Underground, Pink Floyd ? Please!! Lets scale back the exaggeration by about 400%, OK? They had a nice sound which was created in a time that was very exciting in the history of popular music. They played with some great musicians. If Eric Clapton played with them, well, thats probably all the recomendation anyone should need to give them a fair listen. But let's not rediculously exagerate their importance. It doesn't do this band any justice. They created a good sound, and that should be enough without some pathetic, goofy reviewer attaching overreaching and totally false hype to their cause. This band is strong enough to deserve an accurate review.
  • Yeah, What He Said

    By HeyOldTimer
    Dr. Coyote's review is 100% on target. I'm only adding this review for emphasis, so that browsing folks coming in can understand that this is not just the opinion of one person. It is a little unbelievable just how fantastic Delaney and Bonnie were, how influential they were and how under-rated they were (are). Goes to show I guess.
  • THE American Band

    By Doctor Coyote
    Absolutely the greatest and most influential American band of its era, Delaney and Bonnie brought together in one band all of the musicians that were to back up Joe Cocker, Leon Russell, Rita Coolidge, Eric Clapton, George Harrison, Ringo Starr and everyone else you can think of. Delaney taught Eric how to sing and fused American rhythym and blues with rock and roll that left room for the English sound. The proof? Everyone ran away with their band and sound. If you want to know what the 60's produced, listen to D&B and you will find the source. They were dismissed as hillbillies by the jealous while every "A" player learned how from them. The most neglected musicians in the history of American music while being more influential than any American artists of their time. The Rolling Stones, The Beatles, everyone, ended up with members of their band and elements of their sound. Delaney even recorded the greatest take of Little Richard ever doing Miss Annie in a later album. The Original Delaney and Bonnie, Accept No Substitute, really.