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Title Artist Time


  • Life Lyrics

    By Kissemee
    Brothers song makes me cry all the time!! It’s a beautiful song !! Reminds me of my dad and him going thru cancer.
  • Love them and their music!!

    By +Eline
    I got to watch them in a live filming for a tv show and they were so funny! Amazing guys with amazing voices!
  • What Christian music should be

    By The Isle Anselm
    The first time I heard “Just and Just As”, I knew I was hooked. After hearing “Duet”, I looked up Penny & Sparrow’s touring schedule. There are plenty of songs out there about romance—but P & S is the only group I’ve found to write about true intimacy. There’s none of that “is this a love song or a praise song” confusion, and yet the tender lyrics call to mind both earthly and Heavenly love. Beautiful music, and I can’t wait for the next album, April 22nd!
  • Wow

    By Gcoupin
    Best album I've heard in a long time. Top to bottom, it's a must buy.
  • What Beauty Have We Stumbled Upon?

    By pcouncell
    Melodies, harmonies, and the simplicity behind them induce an intoxicating complexity of thought an awe on the part of the listener. Penny & Sparrow will always be a favorite!
  • Acoustic Love for the Acoustic Soul

    By A Folk Pop Review
    Words to write for this album: none. It is stunning in its sheer beauty. One simply has to listen to the theme song "Duet" to know what I am talking about. All you need to do is hear it once, and it sets you in the right mood. The atmosphere the male vocals create are dripping with haunting beauty; the female vocals for the second part are absolutely sexy. The lyrics are religiously sexual in nature and erotically arousing. The passion for Jesus is ever present, even in the most sexual of songs (i.e., Duet). This song is like the Song of Solomon in the Bible; it is religious literature about sexual love. As for the rest of the songs, they are serene in nature and religious in outlook. This is one hell of an album.
  • You know I had to throw up 5

    By kyylliee
    Seriously the music as biased as I may seem the lead singer being my leader and all is THE most perfect, the message, the sound. It's the kinda music you put on whenever you just wanna feel right. La reyna, duet, and brothers are top 3 fa sho!! Penny and sparrow!! Woo :O!
  • Beautiful

    By Matthewbeaver
    Glad I stumbled upon this.
  • Love this album

    By SarahRoz16
    Duet is a sensual and amazing song!
  • That there's life givin' music

    By banana712
    This album makes your heart hurt in the best way possible... Penny & Sparrow is incredible. Give them a listen.