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Title Artist Time


  • True Genius at work

    By Stella May
    David Byrne is someone whom actually DESERVES the highly over-used label of "genius" and "artist". I found this album only after viewing the film The Secret Life of Words, for which "Tiny Apocalypse" is the final song to an amazingly poignant story, and boy am I glad. The entire album is brilliant. Thank you David. (From a fellow RISD-ite.)
  • Genius

    By Johanssen
    This man is an ecclectic musical genius. You must love this album. Get it all!
  • Byrne's best album yet

    By PMFinn
    This was one of the best albums of 2004. Byrne shows no fear in pursuing various musical styles, and creates some impressive results. Outstanding songs to mention are "Glass, Concrete and Stone," "The Man Who Loved Beer," and "The Other Side of This Life." But nothing beats "Lazy," a fun song with an infectious beat and a funky string quartet.