
  • Genre:
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Title Artist Time


  • Great song but,

    By perzi4
    I love Smile Empty Soul but there starting to get soft, if you listen to the preview of all the songs on there new album they've gone pretty soft or they just dont sound as awesome as they use to dont get me wrong im still getting the new album and i still love this band but i can tell there getting a little soft.
  • Good but...

    By Yohnson1024
    I'm not familiar with this band, but the singer's voice sounds like its good if he doesn't alter it like he does in the chorus. I don't have a problem with screaming at all; his just sounds worse than when he's singing. If they want to do some melodic screaming, I think its a good idea, but they should get another singer additionally to the good singer they already have.
  • sweeeeeeetttt!!!!

    By camp1978
    this single is sick !!!!
  • Ehh

    By ags816628
    What is with the screaming? His voice is so much better if he just sings normally. Its sounds so much better in the older stuff. Its a good song though i just like hearing his regular voice thats all. I like it anyway because it still is a Smile Empty Soul song.
  • Love it!!!

    By SharkeeY
    I am happy to see this as the new track!! if this is a foreshadowing of whats to be on the album, i cant wait for the rest!
  • BOOM!

    By fr0stbyt
    They're back! Love it!