
  • Genre:
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Title Artist Time


  • Sad

    By 11c mortorman
    I really love his music and he has a great voice but it seems like he lost some of his soulful singing he had before I hope he sings more like his last cd
  • Amazing

    By stayreal18
    Amazing Album with Mesmerizing vocals from the soulful Michael Grimm, but I don't know why It's classified as pop
  • Sexy

    By Babyschtroumpfette
    There's nothing better than Michael Grimm's voice when singing sexy blues songs, & this album's filled with 'em! Every last song is a hit!!! Keep doing THIS, Michael!
  • Im a fan!

    By Cayo0118
    I followed Michael Grimm all through AGT. Love that voice!
  • Music that touches the heart and soul!

    By Lana B
    Love that this homeboy is doing what he loves. Such a great spirit and it shows in his music. Grandma taught u well! It beings with the roots and the love and spirit gives it wings! Great music!
  • Well...

    By ibcool94
    Michael, I love you, but this style... It just doesn't sound like the "you" that won America's Got Talent! I have nothing against country, but what happened to the soul? What happened to the blues? I love the album "You Can Leave Your Hat On". Now THAT is what I, and all those who voted for you on AGT, want to hear!
  • Michael Grimm

    By Chipmunk123456
    One word.....Amazing!
  • M Grimm

    By Justpins1410
    Awesome! Thanks for living up to expectations
  • Michael Grimm

    By lisa laughman
    Just bought the album. Love it!!!!!!!! Love the bluesy sound. Great album.
  • Such a shame...

    By Garblehargen
    Such a shame for people to rate this as a bad album just because they don't believe Mr. Grimm should have won. Well, he has won, and is showing why he won with his performance on this album. Unique voices deserve to triumph more often, and I'm glad someone like him chose to try out for the show so his talent could become public.