
  • Genre:
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Title Artist Time


  • I'm a newbie

    By Jfiggity
    Let me tell you first I'm new to Skillet, like started listening August of this year and all I have to say is, "WOW!!!" Love, love, love
  • Minecraft monster

    By Monster minecraft
  • EPIC

    By nickthengineer
    In my opinion, every song is better than the originals. AaA is heavier, Sometimes has a neat techno-ish intro, Rebirthing and The Last Night have incredible outros that they usually play live, Monster is somehow even heavier than normal (trust me), Hero has a stronger beat to it during the verses, Comatose includes the cello and violin intro that they play live, and Believe is all acoustic and pretty nice. Panheads will not be disappointed.
  • Awesome band

    By Emperors ruins
    They are awesome and I've seen them 4 times live.
  • This sounds epic!

    By Agent101799
    This is an amazing album! Although its the same songs from other albums, this iTunes thingy is great! I'm soooo gonna buy it! (Highly recommend for skillet fans)
  • Hmm.

    By gir9
    If you're going to buy one song from this. I'd go with Believe, the others sound alllot like the normal studio recordings you know? I like the Last Night too. Those two are great,Monster's pitch is lower i think. Whatever you think is best go with it and you panheads might just get it all haha but Believe is my favorite here.:) God bless!
  • need new music

    By Albino Platypus
    they are the only group who takes four years touring with the same cd. its time to create some new music.
  • WOAH.

    By Iā¤Skillet
    Believe, Monster, Hero, and Sometimes are WAY different! And it's awesome! Not as good as the original of course, but still a very big (and good) difference! Skillet will never fail.

    By #1skilletfan#1
    Ok, lets start at the beginning. I went to winter jam and seen skillet live. I only went because some of my friends begged me to go with them. Before winter jam I had never heard skillet. You haven't heard skillet until you hear them live. The whole thing was epic. From the flames, to the monster head, to the violinist and celloists incorparation, it was AMAZING. My faves were Monster,Hero, and Lucy. I was going to buy all three of them but i bought Monster and then went to buy Hero and i didn't have enough on my account. I also love that its not your typical hyms, its rocking music for praising God!
  • Worth it!

    By BeatlesMaryBeth<3
    Skillet is so fantastic live! They have a lot of passion and spirit. They put on an excellent show! I'm active in the concert scene both Christian and mainstream, and by far they are one of the best acts I've seen to date. I would highly suggest going to see them live. They definitely appeal to many different people of all ages and styles. Listening to them is one thing, seeing them live is completely different. Don't pass judgement on this band until you've experienced them in concert. :)