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Title Artist Time


  • Pretty good

    By Deathgaze45
    It was a good album they used lyrics that appeal more to people of the emo scene like myself i give it a 4 out of 5
  • They are amazing!

    By Temple rrruuunnneeerr
    This is my favorite band their songs are really strong and move you.
  • None Better!

    By Swr1982
    I never really had a favorite group, band, whatever until I stumbled onto Framing Hanley. Now I am totally in love with their music! I can't wait until the next album comes out. Highly recommend their music to all :)
  • Wow

    By FH002
    This album can't get any better. Its 2012 and im still listening to this album, it's probably one of the best albums I've ever heard. It may not be hard but its got the best lyrics ever.
  • To Each Their Own

    By hillbilly32
    This album is not like The Moment, but it seems that this album has songs with more meaning that people can relate to. It has more of quieter, loving sound towards the listeners. I think the album is great, Framing Hanley is a great band though. So, some people like the quieter, loving sound while others like the louder, in-your-face sound of The Moment. It all depends on what your ears are adjusted to.

    By Tammy40
    I absolutely love this band.
  • FH Forever!(;

    By TaraMarie1997
    Stupid girl<3 Nuff said(:
  • I like it

    By kershaw87
    So i only starting following framing hanley from the "lollipop" scene as Big James put it but i enjoy the sound of this second more album more. Band change more and more and expand thier horizons as time goes on, thats why they are musicians/ artist they expiernce things and relate through song......once you get past being caught up in loving what u liked, youl apreciate liking the unknown... just my two cents

    By Erika120
    Ugh they are different! Way different then "from the moment" boooo! :'( Come back framing hanley!
  • eh :/

    By Zach1299
    in my opinion.... not as good as "The Moment". still some good songs but im more into their hardcore songs