
  • Genre:
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Title Artist Time


  • Live from Lincoln Center..,

    By Aredee
    If you caught their recent PBS special, some of these selections were included in that show.
  • You've done it again

    By Robbie 12
    This album is a overwelmingly exelent piece it brings out your soul from the dark depth of hate
  • Great Album Yo-Yo Ma!

    By MisterJay5
    Keep them coming Yo-Yo Ma! Its very impressive and nice to listen to.
  • Great playing

    By Boolez
    Celeb solo musicians usually don't mix well but this is a rare case. All three share a musical kinship with each other that is hard to ignore. All three are at the top of their game. 'Heard them play a few years back with a simialr repitore and was floored. Yes, I've heard the whole album but even if you listen to the sound clips you can't help but be impressed. This is both thoughtfull and impassioned playing. Those that disagree are either tone deaf or lack any sort of a soul. -Bz