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Title Artist Time


  • awh, brett.

    By sadvelvetgirl
    He's one of my favorite vocalists. He's simply incredible.
  • LOVE IT!

    By surfcollector
    nough said.
  • Surprise!! Surprise!!

    By Crazy monkey 41
    Just heard this guy at Grey's Anatony singing with Natalie Merchant "Heaven" and i though that i have to check this guy at Itunes and voila..here he's with the Brazilian Band Forro in the Dark!! I JUST LOVED IT!!!!
  • Forgive the Carol Channing resemblance - Brett Dennen is still wonderful

    By Z Walters
    So so wonderful. Thank you for including this artist. I had not heard of him before but found him through a series of tangents through the iTunes store. Darn the person that mentioned he sounded like Carol Channing. Yes, you have a point. Dangit. Not the most masculine thing for a guy to be accused of - but he still is a great performer.
  • as a whole

    By bre3209
    Not his best or worse album to date,but as always reaking of unlimtless potential.Anyone thats followed Dennen for even a short amount of time knows that we'll all be listening to this guy till we die... Why? Emotion, fight, the love and flow of this f@!kin guys music will bring a tear to your eye from the soul that comes from it.
  • Fantastic!

    By bst@
    As usual, Brett makes his performance worth every penny spent.
  • Just saw him live in Germany

    By Servus089
    This kid's music shines through on his records as well as live. After seeing him last week in a really tiny venue in Munich, I can vouch that he's the real deal. To those who don't like his voice: It may not be for everyone! I admit it's different, but he's got a great range and lots of talent. Heck, I didn't like Bob Dylan when I was growing up 'cause I couldn't stand his voice but I got used to it and came to love it for what it is... Can't believe I just admitted that :)
  • Never heard of him

    By NickName90210
    I've never heard of him but I like his songs now
  • Good stuff

    By Bostonred1
    Some of Brett'a best stuff is from his live tapings! I was stunned that it took me till this year to have just heard of him.
  • Love it!

    By scottyv81
    Brett Dennen offers such a refreshing and happy sound to the neo-folk music scene. I'm in love with his words, voice, and spirit. Keep it up, Dennen!