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Title Artist Time


  • My favorite!

    By Labtech23
    If I was going to be stranded on a desert island and had to choose one record to play the rest of my life, this would be it! Every song is catchy. Earl...you rock!
  • Great stuff

    By R nR
    I really, really love Earl Klugh's music. This is another great album. But where's Soda Fountain Shuffle???? That was his best of all.
  • This is a wonderful album

    By RogersDA
    This is a very, very good. I love this album while relaxing at home, on the road, or whenever we have friends over. Earl Klugh is a true master of jazz!
  • Jazz lover!!!

    By ElliStAr
    Yes i am younger than 13, but i still love how Earl Klugh does his smooth jazz. I was in my Social Studies class, and my teacher plays smooth jazz while we work and Earl Klugh's Acoustic Lady came on and i shouted out," Omg that's Earl klugh!" Trust me some kids still think i'm weird!:)
  • Chillin Time with Earl Klugh

    By Skylight Digital
    I bought this album after hearing one this album's tracks on a sampler album. It grabbed me, with gentle plucking fingers, and I was immediately put at ease and my whole body relaxed. Some tracks on this album would be great for kitchen cooking music or background while enjoying a bottle of wine and conversation with friends. Hearing other tracks on this album, I feel transported to a 1960s lounge, sitting in a mid-back leopard print sofa booth with my wife while waiting for my martini. And other songs took me to a place in my imagination where I pictured Earl and his band playing in my living room at my hypothetical ample-sized house on a hill overlooking the sparkling city lights on a warm summer night, pool lights on, palm trees swaying gently. This is easy to listen to while working or daydreaming and it's conducive to both. --Daniel
  • The Spice of Life

    By smooth jazz luver
    Nice nice relaxing music yet with an up-beat (on some of the tunes.) Very satisfying
  • Amazing album!

    By Scatterbling
    This is one of my favorite albums from the jazz genre. There is a good mix of tracks here, from the swinging upbeat tempos to the soul-lifting bluesy ballad melody of Driftin' (track 5). The album may not be a "classic" example of Klugh, but I would recommend this as a first-time album for any music lover than wants to try out Earl Klugh. The iTunes Plus recording sounds crisp and clean, high quality audio.
  • The Spice of Life - Earl Klugh

    By Kawida
    Wow! One of the best new smooth jazz albums I've heard in quite some time, especially "Driftin'. It's fresh and lite.