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Title Artist Time


  • Too Far to Care

    By Tallulah3Mae
    Newly introduced to Old97s and this is my new favorite album.

    By happymet
    I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, the Old 97's. I have most of their albums & this is a standard that is never out of the rotation of my playmixes. When my niece was little, we sand BIG BROWN EYES, all the time. I made a scrap book for her upcoming wedding, the title was, "YOU'VE MADE A BIG IMPRESSION, FOR A GIRL OF YOUR SIZE, NOW I CAN'T GET BY WITHOUT YOU AND YOUR BIG BROWN EYES." She LOVED it & vividly remembers dancing, in the car, to Old 97's.
  • The best band most people have never heard of

    By jdke01
    A Great album........Also check out The newer "Grand Theatre" Cd's
  • Timebomb

    By Westsider SC
    I defy you to not rock out to this song. Listen to it, then wonder how you didn't know about this band until now.
  • the influential 97

    By ariaKC
    I grew up in NYC. Plethora of music. Almost so much so I was over anything new. there is a bar on 7th street and Ave.. B. I wish i had more memories as good as those. Early on i met few people whos musical taste was a bit different from mine. I'm sitting with good friends and a bottle of beer, and al of i sudden i hear this honkey ton-key but with a weird addition of older rock and roll. l got up and had to look at the jukebox. before the downloading one's... The old 97's. i made a note in my head and the next day went and got a cd. the music hit some unanswered cord. What can i say other then that? then when you listen to the music and finally know the lyrics and that's when you really understand them. the magical buzz this band can produce in me i haven't felt for a while. I am so consistently disappointed by 2nd albums and the progression a band chooses later on. This is not that band. I have since made other memories to go along with this overwhelming feeling I get listening to them. Some happy some, not so much. I will always be thankful for Old 97's. So listen to them. Hear the words. It's pretty amazing.
  • Can't stop playing this

    By __Jeff__
    A couple of months ago I picked up this album and its now my favorite old 97s. The style/genre is pretty varied, with some definite and very likable country, which isn't always my thing, and others (like Curtain Calls) that fall between genres. Anyway, I won't try to play music critic other than to say its a great collection that simply doesn't get stale. As the headline said I really have a hard time not playing this on a regular basis. Favorites : Melt Show, Curtain Calls, Salome, Niteclub

    By monthegers
    One of the most complete albums I have ever heard.
  • Great Stuff!

    By Runt10
    Best 97 record hands down! If this music don't get you up and movin' you're dead!
  • best old 97's album

    By I <3 the Old 97's
    by far the best old 97's album out there right now. Niteclub and melt show are my favorites, but the re-recording of big brown eyes is good as well. broadway and curtain calls are the other great songs that are only on this 97's cd. also this is their best version of barrier reef(better than the live version on their greatest hits); kudos to itunes for putting up the full version of the old 97's best album!