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Title Artist Time


  • My favorite

    By just_another_fan
    Over the years I have purchased Gackt's entire discography; importing each from Japan and paying import costs time and again. I don't regret any of those purchases, but I must say I'm happy to see he's finally on I-tunes outside of Japan. In regards to Rebirth: I would say that it's probably my favorite Gackt release and I would recommend it to anyone.
  • Gackt's best I do agree

    By Minmi-Kokorue
    I haven't listened to all of this album but I will say from the song's I've heard on this one that well...anything gackt does is great. My favorite is Sayonara which has a beautiful piano melody and a sadly romantic violin solo. Sayonara and Secret garden are definitly two must buys if you're not going to get the whole album!!!!
  • Rebirth--Gackt's best

    By Wonder★Dog
    Yes! This is an amazing CD! The story and concept of this album flows gracefully as the songs progress. But the songs are also great standing alone...espcially "Maria" which is my favorite Gackt song... If you don't buy the CD at least buy "Maria" it's beautiful. p.s. I'm so excited that Gackt is finally on itunes!