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Title Artist Time


  • Good, gets old fast

    By SmileItLooksGoodOnYou
    I love this song. But after a while, hearing it on fuse a million times, it gets a little old.
  • OI!

    By shaylalalie
    This is my favorite of their new songs. But, I'm getting worried since there's no preorder in sight. The new album will be up on itunes on the twenty third, right? If you know, answer with the yes or no, please. P.S. This song is amazing, as is every single one of their other songs. Buy them all now. Say anything is incredible.
  • not nearly as good as ...is a reall boy

    By nychm
    i really liked their first album, ...is a real boy, but i dont like their new singles. they lost all their previous identity.
  • Say Anything's Newest Fan

    By Stalthor
    Before Shiksa (Girlfriend) and Baby Girl I'm A Blur I didn't really like Say Anything. I found Baby Girl.... and I thought it was awesome! A few days later another song comes out, Shiksa (Girlfriend). I was amazed by how great Say Anything is with their vocals and their apparent 'new sounds'. Now I can't wait for the 23rd! AWESOME JOB Say Anything!!
  • Done it again...

    By bemis is a real boy
    Mr. Bemis is quickly climbing up the ranks of the great song writers of our time. His lyrics are so painfully original and heartfelt, leaving even the most skeptical of listeners believing every single word of what this kid needs to say. The new album should be one of the best albums of the decade.
  • This song is so fantastic.

    By Chase Hoffman
    It's my birthday, and I feel like this is their present to me. The beginning is an awesome accapella arrangement that makes me smile real big, and then the music after that is just fantastic. There are not too many words to describe this, so buy it and find out for yourself.
  • Great New Say Anything Song!

    By JTShee010
    Of the 4 or 5 songs I've heard from this new album, this one is easily my favorite. With amazing lyrics, and awesome music. This song also has some Jewish influence (Max Bemis, the sing/songwriter of the band is Jewish) including the title, which is like a mean way of saying "non-jewish girl", and lines like "Hebraic neurosies ceased to be" and "Like the ying and the yang of the afikomein, you're the omen"... Pretty cool song though overall about being a Jewish guy, dating a non-Jewish girl.
  • My Review

    By Was Up Mannnnn
    This Is Some Stuff Youzze Gots To Hear Man
  • wow, not too great

    By adamval92
    I was not expecting this type song coming from say anything. Its not that bad of a song, but its so uncreative in comparison to the other songs they have written. This song is just so shallow. Its like another Wow, I can get sexual too. hopefully the rest of the cd won't be like this.

    By robjob18z
    this song is so sick. That usual say anything style is still there in this song.