
  • Genre:
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Title Artist Time


  • Beautiful

    By _ina
    King Harvest doesn't get to into it, they don't defy the sole purpose of music. My favorite song, though they are all my favorites, is probably "A Little Bit Like Magic". No catchy hooks that will keep you singing this song throughout the day, just feel good music that keeps you happy. I know that this is probably the soundtrack of my life. I'm 14 years old, and I know what happens in a recording studio. They take out the passion in music and fill it in with 808s and digital sounds that are not even close to natural and raw. King Harvest keeps it real, that's what I like. Their music is honest and charming, like a warm summer morning with a cool breeze that keeps you going.
  • Excellent!

    By Phillies Phan
    I've been a fan of King Harvest every since I first heard Dancing In the Moonlight and this album is great. A Little Bit Like Magic is great and so is Flying Home Tonight. A great album!
  • horrible

    By ilikeau
    get back out of the old style we like new things guys write something good dancing in the moonlight still has to be ur best NOTSOMUCH(borat)
  • great!

    By >ATHFAC/DC<
    i love it, good for FANS .