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Title Artist Time


  • Fantastic

    By Key-u
    There is nothing better than some French rock... Awesome Bon travail !!
  • J'ai le chanté dans ma fac

    By Répondez-moi
    Je suis un étudiant qui étudie française, mais je ne peux pas parler bonne française... En tout cas, les musiques, ce sont très bonne. J'ai chanté sa musique 'Comment te dire' dans ma fac, quand une fête de l'université. J'ai me amusé le moment. Ils sont très COOL.
  • Ahmayzing

    By Flipflopbeachgirl
    I would give this a six if I could. I absolutely LOOOVE Kyo!!
  • J'adore Kyo

    By Chlobolicious
    La meillure bande francaise jamais :] Even if you don't speak the language, listen to them anyway! There's so good.
  • Kyo est spectaculaire.

    By WeHaveToGoBack!
    J'ai ecoute Kyo pendant deux ans et maintenant ils est ici dans l'Etats Unis. Je suis tres heureux, j'aime beaucoup Kyo. Le musique de Kyo est meilleur de presque chaque groupe dans le U.S. Bien sur, c'est vrais? Bon travaille, Kyo.
  • Awesome

    By Greenwell Family
    I think Kyo is one of the best bands of the French rock era, and with songs like "Je cours" (I run), "Derniere Danse" (Last dance), and even the duet "Le Chemin" (The journey), they become very relatable because of the heartfelt vocals, even if someone doesn't speak or understand French. (eg: Je saigne encore - I bleed again). My favorite French album. Worth the buy, even if just a few songs.
  • The best Kyo album by far!

    By xpattycakesisme7
    Luckily for me- I had the opportunity to pick this up in class before the semester got out and burn the cd. First thing I noticed was the obvious improvement over their first CD, Kyo. Second was the catchiness of their songs- notably Derneire Danse and Pardonne. Honestly all the songs are great in their own aspects, and Im glad they offer the cds here on Itunes in America- because we need more exposure to international music, particularly the French Scene. Anyways a great buy for anyone loving calm indie-emo music.
  • GO KYO!

    By hi11395
    wow this is such a great band!! love Le Chemin
  • nice

    By pbm2
    this group is pretty nice i really like it the song je cours is amazing and even it is in french you are going to like it