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Title Artist Time


  • Amazing.

    By Hoover24
    Get baked out of your mind and watch this. You won't be disappointed.
  • My Favorite Live Album Ever

    By ripar001
    This is a great live album. The sound is well produced, the instruments and voice seem decently balanced, and the crow noise is not overbearing or distracting. This album really shows the type of energy that DT can project on a live show. Of course, there is nothing like being there in person, but this is really good nonetheless. While Labrie's voice can be a little off here and there, it is mostly good. The instrumentation is fantastic, specially the improvs that the band does; they make the songs sound fresh and interesting. If you are new to DT, I suggest you get some studio albums first. This is great, but I think that this album seems geared towards their old time fans, who "get" what they are all about. If you already own some studio albums, get this, you won't regret it. The amount of quality music that you get for the price makes this a great buy!
  • Stop rippin on JLB!

    By World-Breaker
    C'mon guys, James LaBrie had to have throat surgery cause he blew his voice. Of course he doesn't sound that great. If you can't look past that, then you aren't a true Dream Theater fan. 10/10 guys, YOU'RE THE BEST!
  • Not worth $16

    By Ironranger99
    This is way over priced for like 15 songs and like 3 hits
  • One of the Best Live Records Ever!!!

    By Watson1231
    This live performance has captured the Power of Dream Theater! DT!!!!!!
  • This was my introduction

    By Robert Cummons
    Live at Budokan was the album that provided my intoduction to Dream Theater. This is a great live album (one of the best sounding live albums I own) and is a great introduction to Dream Theater. Hollow Years, As I Am, This Dying Sould and In the Name of God are all excellent. If you are new to Drean Theater, remeber this music is a journey and it may take some time but if you give it the time and allow yourself to experience what DT has to offer you will be a fan for life.
  • DT

    By drumindino
    This album is really incredible...this live cd shows Dream theater in their prime. All I have to say is that you should buy this entire cd it's just too good not to. ohh and also MIke Portnoy>Neil pert
  • Awesome

    By The longest nickname ever
    Well this is probably one of the coolest live albums ever. Not only does it have your hits (Pull Me Under, As I Am), it has new songs (Beyond This Life), solos (well, almost every song has solos, but Keyboard Solo), and mixtures (Instrumedly). If you can't afford this ($16 dollars for 2 and a half hours of music and 18 songs?!?!) I recommend these songs: As I Am, The Test That Stumped Them All, New Millenium, Goodnight Kiss, and Pull Me Under. Unfortunetly, you miss out on This Dying Soul, Beyond This Life, Instrumedly, Stream of Consciousness, and In the Name of God (they're album only, also good songs). Buy the whole album, or my recommendations, and you won't be disappointed. Your head will ASPODE!!!!!!!
  • Absolutely Incredible

    By AudioA!
    I had been a huge fan of DT before I heard this album but this just blew me away. I think it's impossible to hear Beyond This Life and not fall in love with the band. Endless Sacrifice is great; the vocals aren't as good as the studio version but still good. In the Name of God and Pull Me Under completely rock. The only thing I have against the album is John Petrucci. Don't get me wrong, he is a fantastic player, but it seems like all he knows how to do in concert is shred. The intro to Hollow Years was completely messed up by his speed. Studio solos such as Best of Times, Panic Attack, or Rite of Passage are amazing and melodic. Nevertheless, if you want to hear some of the world's greatest musicians doing what they are best at, buy this album. Definitely worth the money if you like their albums. P.S. Mike Portnoy is a beast. Neil Peart is better.
  • Great album andi dont understand why people hate Labrie

    By Tzacharu
    First of all i wanted to say that this is a great album like all of the live albums they have released. DT plays perfect live and i cant see how anyone can disagree. I also just dont understand why all these people say they need to lose Labrie. Has it ever occured to you that DT WOULDNT be the band they are without Labrie. They couldve gotten someone else and would be a completely different band. Theyve came so far with Labrie and have had much success with him, Why would they ever get rid of him?