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Title Artist Time


  • 666

    By Coors light guy
    The ultimate in GOD HATE Deicide rules!!! 666
  • OK

    By Brybarion
    So many of us left this alone in the first place because we could understand what Slipknot was saying. They werent beating the living s#@t out of the toms and set records for the longest burps in the mic. I happen to like deicide on certain days like any ol Schizo would. I also like Slipknot and it has nothing to do with Emo. I would actually enjoy an Emo holocaust. Either way, they both have something good and most of Deicides good stuff is on here. Serpents of the Light and Bible Basher are my favs. Dont be a poser, just like what you like. Piss on anyone who says different. After all, they dont feed you, f#@k you, or finance you so they are of no use.
  • Best death metal of USA

    By Rzurblüt
    If you are a metalhead, you probably already know this band. Great songs but I would have loved to see two more songs on here. Christfags: stop with your useless reviews.
  • Not really necessary, but hey.

    By hybrid47
    Honestly, Deicide are an awesome death metal, but I don't have much interest in their post-Legion material (as Once Upon the Cross onward was when their Christian bating started overshadowing the quality of the music IMO) so I wouldn't buy it either. Lots of people rate it negatively based more on message than music which is basically a pointless narrow-minded thing to do but whatever. The guy who made the comment about making better music with pots and pans had a bunch of reviews espousing his love for Fall out Boy and Attack Attack, along with a bunch of Christian deathcore, (while somehow missing that Deicide's songwriting, vocals, guitar, variety and technical abilities actually exceed those deathcore bands considerably) so its kinda easy to dismiss.
  • Garbage

    By tuglife666666
    I can make better music with some pots and pans
  • the only deicide you need

    By lemonpiemmm
    deicide is a pretty awesome band, but they tend te get repetitive. this album takes the best of what they have, and but it on one inexspensive album. its loaded with plenty of songs for your money, and has all that anti jesus stuff you know you shouldnt love, all this album is missing is f**k your good, ironically their best song.
  • The best death metal band ever

    By DennisClayton
    Still the best, and they have put out more top-notch albums without filler than morbid angel and other competitors. People who don't like satanic death metal probably shouldn't be reviewing death metal at all, and I'm glad if their catholic guilt made them barf all over themselves, because life isn't always flowers and cotton candy and faith. Go listen to jonas brothers if death and destruction is too harsh for you. Oh, and don't turn on the news channel, you probably won't have the stomach for that either.

    By MusicRox49
    This is disgusting and revolting. This is AWFUL, this trash is so indescribably repulsive. This takes NO talent, this is disturbing, every song sounds the same horrible clashing of awful noises. Welcome to the MUSIC OF SATAN!
  • ha ha

    By Paganoverlord
    ha ha slipknot, what a joke. I like bands that actually have talent.
  • why?

    By the open minded guy
    really don't get this-get another one of deicide's albums...this was just a BS compilation that roadrunner put together. please take my advice-get a real deicide album.