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Title Artist Time


  • Johnny"s best

    By vmmesq
    This album is misidentifed- it was released under the name 'Johnny Winter And" and it has the same Texas blues band as on his first two records ( this being his third record) and it included Ric Derringer on second lead guitar, along with him writing songs (Rock n Roll Hootchie Coo among them) along with other band mambers; this was, to my knowledge, the only time Johnny to come up with completely original material and it was ( and still is) quite an achievement; by the by the record was rejected by Columbia because it was recorded live in the studio on one mike hence the trrible sound quality
  • Sounds like my old cassette version

    By JWolf65
    But I am happy to see this album online.
  • Caution! Audio quality is fair at best

    By Lost Archives
    I was happy, like others, to see these tracks pop up on iTunes. However, the treble is flat - muffled. Are these not the orginal masters? I'd rather see Columbia (original label) put these out. What a disappointment!