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Title Artist Time


  • Jim Nabors Christmas

    By OnlyOneBuch
    Didn’t realize how REALLY GOOD Jim Nabors voice is. Great album! Especially Jingle Bells!
  • O Holy Night

    By Morrmoney
    This is my all-time favorite Christmas song. Jim Nabor’s rendition of this song is, by far, the best ever.
  • Jim Nabors Christmas Album

    By tgct
    Growing up, this album was played over and over again in my house. My mother used to put this album on the record player when we all decorated the tree. Every song on the album is amazing! One of my absolute favorite Christmas songs that Jim Nabors did was "Do You Hear What I Hear?", which unfortunately is not on this album. His voice was made to sing Christmas carols.
  • Whatever you might think of "Gomer Pyle"--this man had a gift... one of the best voices ever!

    By SonPraise54
    Simply beautifully done with a quality and more importantly a reverence missing today...hymns of adoration have been replaced by "feel good" seasonal tunes... Natvity scenes are largely banned from public display replaced by Christams trees & lights... and Santa and merchandising has replaced the birth of Christ and the one, true Gift God bestowed on the world is all but forgotten.
  • Jim Nabors Christmas Album - The Greatest of all Time

    By Jim of Marlton
    This is an album which has attained a legendary status in my household. This was a family christmas classic for everyone, including the family dog. Unfortunately, the cd was lost years ago, but now I have found it here on itunes. Jim Nabors' angelic voice rings true on this album of Christmas classics. He warms up with a rendition of O Come all Ye Faithful, but really hits his pace with "Go Tell it On the Mountain." So, put this in your ipod, cuddle up with a cup of hot chocolate and your dog, and listen to what is possibly the greatest Christmas Album of all time.