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Title Artist Time


  • Very Good

    By buy the albums!
    What the hell is the iTunes review guy talking about? Gas Panic is certainly not sung by Andy Bell. Watch the concert video. It's Liam. The concert does sound a little hollow, unfortunatly but it's not unbearable. I like it. Wonderwall sounds absolutly incredible and Step Out is great. The reason I only gave it four stars is because I am not a huge fan of Standing on the Shoulders of Giants but it is still the greatest band to ever roam the Earth, innit?
  • Champagne Supernova

    By greenisgood420
    i could care less about oasis but champagne supernova is crazy
  • what did he say?

    By oasisthebest
    would love to hear what the gallaghers would have to say to that.
  • yes

    By bring the noise
    gas panic gives me shivers

    By poppunklover101
    Alright I seriously just got into Oasis and I've heard some things about people hating them in reviews. Well I think they're wrong. I beleive them to be a great band. But this review is about the album, not the band. Anyway, THIS IS A GREAT ALBUM. IT'S SO AMAZING THAT THEY SOUND GREAT LIVE AS THEY DO RECORDED. I was told though this should be the last album I should get and I have every album and none of them except their second album can compare with this one. But I gave it a four because it's not my favorite album. Like I said their second is better
  • Stop overlooking the pint of an album!

    By SEA-lyve
    I find it incredibly annoying when people who aren't musicians write about how musicians act OFF STAGE! REally, who cares what they say, do or don't do off the stage, you are not paying to see them there, just when they're performing! So stop with the crap about, "Oh, Oasis is just a bunch of stupid arrogant British guys who aren't any good any more." Have you heard Don't go Away? I CHALLENGE ahy one of you to write a song like that, when yours is so profoundly better then you can rag on Noel, until then, just listen to the music and enjoy it!
  • Crap?

    Afraid not, Mr. Lopez. While the sound may not be that great (Wembley shows rarely are when recorded), this CD is a testament to the power of arguably the best live band at the moment. Go back and listen to Creed, Scott. Thanks pal.
  • Oasis. Live. At Their Best

    By George_333
    This album shows how really great Oasis can preform live. Stand Bye Me, Don't Look Back In Anger, and Wonderwall are the best palyed in my opinion. All the songs are also fantasticly played. THis really shows how badly I would like to be At Wembley Stadium in 2000!
  • familiar

    By stone burg
    im not one to write reviews or even read them, but upon reading this verbal diarreha of scott lopez i thought a statement was necessary. oasis may have been falling before this concert came out, but i think they have created some of the greatest songs of modern rock. it has been influential to millions in Europe and on this side of the pond. shove it lopez. that is all
  • Awesome!

    By crazy ed
    Great songs!!!! some of my favorites!!