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Title Artist Time


  • Amazing!

    By Blitz 15
    This particular version of Highway 61 is some of the best music I have ever heard! But the whole album is great. Get it!
  • Another savage monster from Johnny!

    By wyfarrell
    Kind of sad to see me @ 42 years old and only recently grabbing ahold of Johnny Winter’s astonishing playing. Just buy it, it will make the cables on your headphones get warm. As many guitar tricks as I’ve ever heard, the Highway 61 stays on repeat for hours sometimes.
  • Saw him do this set...

    By MerriKat
    I saw Johnny around this time in Seattle. After several years of seeing all the big name acts from then (Zepplin, Deep Purple, Black Sabbath, etc,) It was so refreshing to see an artist turn up the lights and depend upon straight out rock and roll and amazing guitar work. The band was tight and strong and the crowd was dancing like it was a club floor. I don't care what genre this is, for an old rocker it hits my pleasure centers in just the right way...

    By Hatmandew
  • Very Good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    By Cash Rich Kid
    Ahh, the old Stadium Festivals of the 70's. The perfect Party Animal for this event! Get this. Bob, Denver, Co
  • Guitar clinic!!!!

    By Aldo GA
    I have had the LP, 8 track, cassett,and cd of this album...I have turned on so many guitar fans on to this and they all agree that this is one of the best!!! Just downloaded the woodstock experience...its pretty good...If you can find it, check out his Live at Dallas speedway in 69...song on it called Mother Earth Blues...great stuff its a bootleg I think...Saw him in san diego in his prime and in Atlants a few years ago big difference...good none the less love this guy
  • Still alive and well.

    By quest4
    I was lucky enough to see Johnny Winter 7 or 8 times over the years. I will say without a doubt he was and still is one of the top guitar players around. His shows in the early 70's were unmatched for energy and blistering guitar work. On this album he is accompanied by Floyd Radford on guitar. Floyd was in a band called Tin House that started in Orlando,Fl. They had 1 album which I believe Winter produced. Floyd toured with both Winter brothers. He is a fantastic guitar player in his own right. The two together were amazing. If you get a chance and happen to run across the Tin House album it's worth a listen. Johnny will always be one of my favorite players and performers. The reviewer of this album may be right about this peticular album picture, but I was at a couple of hugh concerts where Johnny was a or the headliner. Even at 40 minutes this album is worth twice the price.
  • Amazing

    By bud274
    Saw Johnny in May of 1971 at Wabash College Crawfordsville IN. One of the best shows ever.
  • Johnny Winter dominates

    By sowhat1983
    As opposed to the other reviews, all of which are quite good my favorite is "Rock and Roll People" mainly because I used to perform this tune back in the 70's after seeing Johnny at a sell out concert in Chicago which he headlined perform this rocking tune. I immediately went out and bought this album and picked apart every phrase and stanza. I have also seen Johnny recently and although in questionable health and a bit slower on the draw now, his show was still amazing although to a smaller nightclub audience. I don't really like the iTunes reviewers opinion and it's just that, an opinion, I doubt he ever saw Johnny perform and obviously does not know the magnitude of Johnny Winters presence in the 1970's... everyone respected him, bar none and he always drew gigantic crowds, so did Edgar!
  • Gritty Texas Blues

    By Glassbydesign
    This takes me back to Austin Texas back in the early 70's just good gritty Texas- electric blues. Fantastic- Could listen to Hwy 61 & Sweet Papa John all day long.