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Title Artist Time


  • Brain Food

    By neckback
    put this in your truck and roll. appropriate for all seasons. enjoy.....
  • Very flowing and funky beats

    By thenderson88
    Personally and honestly, I've have never written a review on iTunes until now; this is amazing music that seems to go from songs "Intro" to "Once Again" with non-stop energy. My hats off to this artist.
  • Sickness

    By A-Boogie
    I been listening to hip hop probably longer than most(83 to be exact) and Im still digging. Learned about Oddisee from Little Brother. Im loving this joint, this is the most complete and just plain dope album I've heard since the original Chittlin Circuit
  • amazing

    By pjulien93
    some damn good stuff here!
  • Quietly establishing himself as one of the best of ALL-TIME...

    By @AbeFroman
    Yeah I said it. You need to drop what you're doing right now & peep this album. I've been a fan of Oddisee's and Kev Brown's for a minute now because all they do is drop straight fire. The production is unreal--on par with Pete Rock, J Dilla, & DJ Premier...and that's saying a lot. He's got an old-school vintage sound to his tracks, but they don't sound stale or dated. Lyrically, he's on point too. Although some of the tracks are snippets of songs on prior released albums, this whole record stays on heavy rotation for me. Do yourself a favor and check out more of Oddisee's music and his crew as well--Low Budget. These cats have restored my faith in a dying art form.
  • Perfect

    By invader ren
    He should never ever ever never ever ever, EVER be slept on again. This album is too great. I just listened to two tracks and already my money is ready to be spent. Put down your Young Jeezy CD and come listen to something good.
  • Great

    By Takeitin
    "Minute and a half snippets" is one way to describe this album, but I would describe it as an hour of great transitions with some great rappers. Ken Starr is a must buy if you haven't come across him yet. This album has a very impressive show of beats and great raps to follow. Check out Quest to Find Big Bidness and Such is Life for a good taste of the album's content.
  • Best value of any album on itunes

    By G00d_Music
    shoot who cares if they are only minute and a half snippets these are some of the best songs ive heard. cop this one
  • This is is Heat!!!

    By Unxpect
    Oddisee is the total package when it comes to beats and rhymes. Too bad he is slept on. The only problem I have with this album is that it sems like some of the songs are just snippets off other albums because of this I give it a 4 1/2.
  • Solid Beats

    By J Uptown
    Being from Washington D.C., this cat can really put the beats down. Production is tight and well put together. From listening to the beats you can tell a little bit of his influence came from Pete Rock and J. Dilla (R.I.P.). Oddisee keep doing your thing.