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Title Artist Time


  • Greatness

    By Branch church member
    This album is some good blues.Know one can play as masterful as Robin Trower! Why isn’t he in the Rock n Roll Hall of fame!
  • Pure Genius!

    By Bron-Yraur
    This Album Melts. Robin Trower's guitar whips you up into a testoerone driven frenzy of rage and bliss, then drops down into blues so deep in hypnosis its like your on heroin without the downside. James Dewar's growling throaty blues are second to NONE and compliment Trower's timeless guitar seamlessly. Dewar is one of the greatest blues singers of all time. Reg Isodore is so perfect on percussion he keeps a sublime beat powerful and at the same time you dont even know he is there. THis is a GIANT rock masterpiece and puts so many others to shame. Robin is so long overdue for the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Induction they have disgraced themselves for lacking to acknowledge him.