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Title Artist Time


  • They’re back

    By NinotchkaNoir
    Loving the latest from Sleater Kinney. Sounding more punk than in the previous couple of albums. Sad to read the ageist and misogynist rants pretending to be reviews here
  • Words and Guitar, Lyrics and Sound

    By eklhp
    There are such good groupings of words and phrases on this album. “I’ve been down so long, I pay rent to the floor” wow! And sonically what they’re able to accomplish with guitars like the feelings of tension, release, and in-between is something not many can accomplish. This is probably one of their best records!
  • utterly awful

    By Composition Books
    complete hollywood nonsense. toxic rich women that lost the plot a long time ago,
  • WoW!!!! 🤩🤩🤩

    By yoyobuddyyupyupwordtoyamuthuh
    This album is truly amazing!!! Hearing Say It Like You Mean It is like a breath of fresh air! I wasn’t to impressed w their last two studio albums, particularly The Center Won’t Hold, but I think it’s safe to say this is a return to form! True punk rock at its best!!!! My favourite band, can’t wait to see you ladies in March!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
  • Yawn 🥱

    By SweetHomeChicago96
    They used to be so much better, now they just rave about gen-z and hate on anything over 30 years old. I’m not really interested in hearing old hags try to be woke. This is coming from a former fan of theirs.
  • Huh?

    By The Bradleyss
    I never thought I'd say a thing like this, but...Sleater-Kinney is starting to sound a lot like old Pat Benatar records. Y'know--privileged milliionaires pretending they're having a bad day. It's called pandering. Sonically it's pretty cool. But I just can't take them seriously anymore.