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Title Artist Time


  • The Best!

    By HLH02
    Some of our favorites!! Great for adults and kiddos. Calm, soothing and all around amazing!
  • Another Hit from Joe and Justin!

    By amofrisk
    This is yet another winner from The Okee Dokee Brothers! As with each album before Brambletown, they have found ways to make music that is fun and enjoyable for the whole family, while taking on topics such as environmental awareness, relationships, and community in their signature style. Thank you!
  • Fantastic as always!

    By Bringing cheer for all!
    The Okee Dokee Bros never dissapoint and this is another great album to prove that! The songs are fun for the kids and artistically stellar for adults. The messages of caring for the earth, ourselves, and our neighbors, as well as getting outside to enjoy life, are all thread throughout the lyrics in a beautiful way. Our fam of 5 with MN roots now in Maine, are huge Joe and Justin fans for their awesome music and the great impact they have in this world. Thanks guys!!! (p.s. We trekked to NH for your show which was well worth it, but do know Portland, Maine is a wonderful place for you to come next time!! :))
  • Gorgeous, fun, nature album for kids & adults!

    By Magemiah
    My four year old and I absolutely love this album. There’s a great balance of fun, silly songs with songs that are heart-wrenching. The final 2 tracks (“The Life That’s in You” and “Little Dipper & Big Dipper”) are especially poignant ecological and cosmological songs about love and how life is all connected that I fully plan to sing as lullabies. The songs about healing are lovely (“Dr. Mole’s Apothecary” and “Old Badger”) and a doomed love story might be useful to help little ones understand divorce (“The Fox and the Hare”). A gentle message of conservation runs throughout the album. I also love the re-use of some old folk tunes that my son already loves (I recognize “Wild Rover” and “The Fox Went Out on a Chilly Night”, e.g.). Parents who are interested in nature might be especially interested, but this album is suited for all.
  • As Per Their Usual

    By Bandboxlife McBeevee
    Just like with all of their other albums Brambletown is a hit! The music is true storytelling and even us adult find ourselves engrossed in the world of Okee Dokee. More so these two fellas really give a hoot about their fans. They make their music for the children (even the 40 year old ones who may have forgotten the child within). You can feel the heart and soul in every tune.
  • Okee Dokee Brothers on repeat

    By ScrambledMegs88
    Even if I didn’t have kids, you’d find me listening to the Okee Dokee Brothers and this album. Such good music!
  • So good

    By Jimmycandunk
    Such a great album!
  • Simply the best!

    By Thea756
    This album, like all of their others, is a delight both musically and lyrically. The Okee Dokee Brothers really know how to speak to the soul! Thank you for producing such thought worthy songs for families.