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Title Artist Time


  • Brutal!

    By J. Shoup
    Please provide an instrumental version!! šŸ¤˜
  • ABR Doesnā€™t Miss

    By Lorenzo_Von_Matterhorn
    August Burns Red had one of the strongest catalogs of music in metal. They donā€™t have a bad record and they continue to push their sound all while keeping their base intact. Death Below is no different. Each song flows into the next seamlessly. The album has a flow unlike any of the ones before it. The guest spots are all great and add to the songs well. Canā€™t wait to hear these new songs live šŸ¤˜šŸ»
  • Sound quality

    By Knive*VS*Face
    The mixing on this album is garbage! Why does it sound so muted??? Listen to Truth of a liar and then thisā€¦ everything sounds muted
  • Alright, Iā€™m coming around to them again

    By g0crzyg0stpd
    Iā€™ve never been the biggest fan of ABR as theyā€™ve never really hit the spot for me in the scene, except for Phantom Anthem, which Iā€™ll be the first to say was AOTY material and I still love every track on it. I skipped out on Guardians when those singles came out as it didnā€™t evoke the same response, but this album does and has peaked my interest in the band again. Maybe their earlier releases will sound better to me nowšŸ¤·šŸ»
  • Uhh.. this is nothing special, Guardians is a much better album.

    By M3taL-Cr0p-Du$T3R
    Three listens to this album and it sounds very mediocre. I hear a lot of blast beats and hardly any groove at all. Catchy riffs? No. Treading safe waters and not expanding on Guardians is a real let down. ABR could have done a lot better, this album is a let down.
  • People are morons

    By Blaheffingblah
    Why are people leaving reviews before they even listen to the album? šŸ¤·šŸ½šŸ¤¦šŸ½. Renders their reviews meaningless. I've listened to every song. Great album. The heaviness we expect, with a couple "slow" songs mixed in there. I would personally be fine without the slower tracks, but hey, variety is the spice of life.
  • Quality but losing interest

    By basic chair
    Iā€™ve been a fan of ABR since thrill seeker and supported them the entire way. While these guys are undoubtedly top notch musicians, they started losing me after rescue and restore. Everything since then more or less sounds like it could all be from the same cd. Thereā€™s some solid songs but nothing stands out like Marianaā€™s trench did from constellations. I appreciate how theyā€™ve stuck to their sound and havenā€™t sold out, but the flip side of that is new music that doesnā€™t really sound new.
  • Amazing!

    By Somosdel
    ABR always delivers. Iā€™ve been a fan since I found Thrill Seeker at my local record store back in high school. A noticeable darker turn on this album. Blown away!!!
  • Wow

    By Texas Soldier 07272012
    ABR just doesnā€™t miss. They always put out amazing music! My favorite band!
  • ABR for life!

    By Chovie
    These guys never disappoint. Only gotten better over the years. True inspiration!