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Title Artist Time


  • Exceeded Expectations,,,,

    By 17JOSEPH71
    I think this is an LP that should always be listened to from start to finish. I've been with Erasure from the beginning and for me this LP is a truly unique spirtitual jouney that I will listen to for years to come.
  • Unique and Different

    By brian_120173
    Don’t listen to Debman or SaturnChild. While this album lacks extensive vocals, it’s a welcome departure from their standard electronic pop songs. Mr Clarke is a synth genius second to none. There are some songs with amazing vocals by Andy as always. This wasn’t meant to be a “proper” Erasure album. It was promoted as a bonus album and experimental in nature. It’s a great album to just relax to. It’s a grower so give it a few listens.
  • How the mediocre have fallen

    By SaturnChild
    Sounds like they wrote and recorded this in one hour. They were never great but they were better than this mishmash.
  • Missing more of Andy

    By Simonrocks
    I love every single Erasure Album except for The Neon, which lacked the melodies they are best known for. This album is ok but it’s a great way to focus on the genius of Vince. He is underrated as a synth master. If this was a return to the Erasure album then they missed it. That self titled album is by far my all time favorite and Day-glo could have been a follow up but it isn't.
  • Best Erasure Album in Years!

    By interferencemusic
    Indeed, pure synth-pop genius! Harkens back to Yazoo, employs plenty of classic Erasure tones and fills in every season of music you could ever ask for. LOVE IT, LOVE IT, LOVE IT!
  • Brilliant

    By Anthony Quinn Bennett III
    Vincent Clark has created a masterpiece and totally revived the definition of synth pop. It’s not the typical bouncy best we expected, rather an experimental world of the unexpected. I’ve listened to the whole like 5 times and each time I find feelings like sono luminous…it’s a work of art it transport you to the neon.
  • atmospheric

    By Rockfordbuckeye
    Limited vocals , atmospheric and moody. It's another piece of Vince showing his range as an artist. Will be treasured by true fans. I am particularly captivated by "The End" which is a whole vibe.
  • A remix of a remix of a remix.

    By callingitlikeiseeit
    I never saw this coming. For one it sounds SO warm & comforting - the mix and mastering are fantastic. It's thick & fat & oh so analogue. In many ways it reminds me of the self titled 'Erasure' from 1997 but the songs are much shorter. This is now in my top 5 Erasure albums.
  • DId they erase themselves?

    By SomeActorGuy
    This does not sound traditional and it's a little over produced and not a lot of fun. GIve us somrthing to keep us awake as opposed to new wave lunesta. They were truly fun back in the day but this sense of melancholy is just not working for me.
  • Waste of Time

    By Debman
    Really a whole album without vocals? This was based on a fake story for Erasure fans.