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Title Artist Time


  • finally ! breathing !

    By keepmelovely.com
    who knew all we needed was right inside of us , this whole time ? <3
  • She did it again.

    By Raymer47
    Fletcher has such a beautiful way of putting her thoughts and feelings into words, and beyond that, into songs we can all listen to and love. Whether I, myself can relate to what she’s saying (singing), or just being able to really feel her emotions in the music she puts out- she blows me away every single time. This song is no different. Buy “Heal” and start healing, because lord knows we all have something to heal from. 🤍 xx
  • Incredible New Phase of FLETCHER

    By kwetzel97
    FLETCHER does it again with this new single. A refreshing, modern sound accompanies the story of an artist who has a rollercoaster of emotions this past year. With the postponement of her debut album, a heart-breaking, public breakup, and a tour canceled from the pandemic, we’ve gotten every facet of heartbreak in her music. But now, that music has a sister piece of work. One of healing and transformation in the aftermath of devastation and emotional turmoil. This feels like a window into FLETCHER’s life and shows the promise she has as an iconic artist of her generation.
  • Beautiful

    By Rcoughlin3