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Title Artist Time


  • A must have!

    By dj jambone
    I'm a big time music lover and collector plus I'm a Dj. If you fit any of those you can't go wrong.
  • good stuff

    By vomitomous
    the cover scares me though.
  • Can I have an AMEN!?!?

    By martinifan14
    When i first lived in the Chicago area, I was shocked that you could stumble into any quality blues establishment in town and be treated to incredible, immense talent by musicians most folks have never heard of. Any night of the week. That's what Sumlin makes me think of. The fact that this album has such incredible history behind it, unheralded as it may be, makes it that much more enticing!
  • Here it IS... Buy it as BLUES 101 . THE MAN plays it PROPERLY.

    HUBERT SUMLIN made the early classic blues recordings WHAT THEY WERE stylistically and plays with the understated smoothness that has made BLUES GUITAR RIFFS what they are today. He is the LINK to the ensemble playing that is great blues in any era . warm tone from his fingers , Snappy rhythms from his heart and economical pentatonic cleverness from his head . Catch him LIVE in NYC with DaVid JOhansen or buy this disk, one of his best as a leader .HUBERT RULES BLUES!!!