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Title Artist Time


  • Can’t Get Enough

    By Love, Live, and Cherish Life
    I’ve always loved The Oh Hellos since I first heard them, but this album is so great! I really like how the songs seem to be a continuation of each other! If you don’t know what I mean, you have to get the whole album and let it just play through to understand. Keep up the amazing work, guys! You keep inspiring me with my own music and stories each day! ❤️
  • Perfect Album!

    By Rez-Sentry
    Thanks to my brother, I got into the Oh Hellos and I’ve started to listen to Boreas and Eurus when I drive to work and go to bed. I’m a huge fan of “O Sleeper” “Grow” and “Eurus” from this album and if you want to hear what amazing lyrical music sounds like, then I recommend the Oh Hellos.