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Title Artist Time


  • Humility in song form

    By Mayangeless
    This song reminds me of Jesus. He was happy to be nobody when He came down to the human level and was born in a dingy feeding trough. He didn’t care about the limelight or the status of His name. He thought more of us than himself. Wow, so good. It’s a good reminder that not everyone who is famous is great, and not everyone who is great is famous. Thank you Tobin for not only writing this song, but exemplifying the Truth in it. God bless you brother.
  • Heart Posture

    By Andrew Riddle
    What an incredible reminder and motivation to make Jesus famous. We are often so prone to selfishness in a variety of ways. This song helps remind me of the magnificent and high honor to glorify Jesus and makes known His unconditional act of love. Thank you Tobin for this heart check of a song!
  • Beautiful and true!

    By alfordsrblessed
    This is not only beautiful, but also full of truth and wisdom.