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Title Artist Time


  • This is a rare and special album.

    By MikeWazowski03
    10,000 Charms is one of my favorite albums of all time and is one of the most heartfelt, meaningful worship albums ever recorded. Every time I listen to it my heart goes on a journey. It helps me put things into perspective when I have lost touch with the spirit. The music is unique and wonderfully arranged. If you are open to different styles of music, this album will appeal to you. It’s honest. It’s sincere and anyone who feels the depth and intensity of the words being sung will be profoundly moved by what they hear. Robbie Seay’s voice is amazing and right on the money. The instrumentation surrounding the reflective, authentic lyrics only adds to the intensity and power behind them. This album will be a blessing to anyone who will take the time to listen.
  • This is a great CD!

    By AudioWonderBoy
    dragonrider's brilliant 1 star review might be seen more as a measure of his understanding of good music. This is a great CD from a talented singer/songwriter and talented band. Any RSB fans should have this album in their collection. Recommended!
  • Uh

    By beachzen
    its just same old same old!
  • Buy it!

    By lucallen
    This album was my first taste of RSB and I've been hooked ever since. This album was so fresh when it came out amidst a slew of other worship records; it didn't sound like the "worship albums" everyone else was doing. It still stands on its own as the work of talented artists and is just a flippin good album that i rate up high in my list of favorite albums. The entire album has a great flow, but if you're only buying a few, I recommend tracks 1,2,3,4... ah, it'd be cheaper to buy the whole thing! IMO, this version of Come Ye Sinners (the original [well, original recording of this arrangement]) is the best of all.