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Title Artist Time


  • can't say crap on the radio

    By dr. bunk
    listening to the revolution ep right now with itunes hustling me crap. very irritating. fall on a rusty nail in your squat and die.
  • good songs

    By ian6803
    i like this music and album becuase it is sort of unique compared to other bands, i like it
  • Amazingly Catchy

    By MrMellow
    I first heard the band from Tubthumper, but they sounded good enough for a look-into, and wow. The whole album is great. Each song has its own little thing to it and makes each one different and good. One of the few albums you can like every song. Definately a buy.
  • suprising

    By marcushelbling
    not what i expected. it was very good.
  • not as good as tubthumping

    By chumba747
    this one, and all other chumbawumbas albums are not as good as there first tubthumping.
  • Wow... Now one of my favorites

    By deadend
    This album is amazingly catchy. I, like most people here in the US only knew of them from tubthumper. I checked out the 2 free songs they have from this album on their website, listened to them each once and liked them, but what really got me to get it was that they stuck in my head for more then a week. If you like 'Buy Nothing Day' from their website, you will love this album.
  • Light and Fluffy

    By Avs
    This is great music just to listen to and tap your foot. Yeah, they might be whacked, but hey, its fun, catchy music. The best Chumba so far. You'll be glad when these songs are stuck in your head.
  • defined in simple terms as........ GENIUS!!!!!!

    By Vej
    how can great music be defined?? well buy this album and find out on you're own! but ill just give you a hint, chumbawamba is the greatest alternative band ever created!, they dont go overboard on their accents, and they are amazing when it comes to creating music from scratch! there is no way that they copy anything from any other band, they are origional and are just going to become more and more popular every day!
  • AMAZING!!!

    By Igby
    Chumbawamba rocks!!! Great CD. Check out "The Wizard of Menlo Park" and "On eBay".
  • Brilliant, an instant classic

    By omaryak
    This is one of those rare albums where you can enjoy almost every song. Each has its own atmosphere, its own statement to make, but running in the background the songs blend together to create an amalgam of thought-provoking sounds and lyrics that are truly a journey through the lesser-known corners of the modern world. The provocative "Everything You Know is Wrong" attempts to plant seeds of doubt about controversial events, while "On eBay" serves as a commentary of the ever-increasing consumerism of society. Defiant lyrics and underground voices with a world beat blend together to make for an unforgettable musical and aural journey. Definitely worth checking out.